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  1. HuMoments

  2. 用VC++写的Humoments的处理程序.可以得到图象旋转不变量,进行图象识别-VC Humoments written by the process. Image rotation can be invariant, image recognition
  3. 所属分类:图形图像处理(光照,映射..)

    • 发布日期:2008-10-13
    • 文件大小:3822
    • 提供者:张军

  2. 用SIFT (Scale Invariant Feature Transform) 算法进行图像特征提取,基于OpenCv的C++代码实现。,Using SIFT (Scale Invariant Feature Transform) algorithm for image feature extraction, based on the OpenCv the C++ Code.
  3. 所属分类:Special Effects

    • 发布日期:2017-05-14
    • 文件大小:3957168
    • 提供者:梁霄
  1. SIFT.rar

  2. 在Matlab中实现基于旋转尺度不变特征提取特征点的方法。,Matlab implementation of the rotation based on scale-invariant feature extraction method of feature points.
  3. 所属分类:Compress-Decompress algrithms

    • 发布日期:2017-04-09
    • 文件大小:2634894
    • 提供者:
  1. distinctive-image-features

  2. 本文主要介绍了如何提取图像特征,并进行图像特征匹配-This paper presents a method for extracting distinctive invariant features from images that can be used to perform reliable matching between different views of an object or scene.
  3. 所属分类:software engineering

    • 发布日期:2017-03-30
    • 文件大小:490924
    • 提供者:路元元
  1. LBP-SIFT-image-matching-algorithm-combined

  2. SIFT和旋转不变LBP 相结合的图像匹配算法(数字图像处理/图像匹配)-SIFT and LBP combined rotation invariant image matching algorithm (digital image processing/image matching)
  3. 所属分类:Special Effects

    • 发布日期:2016-01-22
    • 文件大小:603136
    • 提供者:马蓉琼
  1. PIIFD

  2. The matlab source code for the paper "A Partial Intensity Invariant Feature Descr iptor for Multimodal Retinal Image Registration". This paper has been accepted by IEEE Transaction on Biomedical Engineering.-The matlab source code for the paper "A Pa
  3. 所属分类:hospital software system

    • 发布日期:2015-04-28
    • 文件大小:20124
    • 提供者:陈健
  1. affien-invariant-moment

  2. 对发生仿射变换的图像,通过计算仿射不变矩来获得图像的不变特征。-Affine transformation of the image occurs, by calculating the affine invariant moment to get the image of the same features.
  3. 所属分类:matlab

    • 发布日期:2016-03-30
    • 文件大小:593920
    • 提供者:赵向军
  1. Invar_Moment

  2. 该代码为利用几何不变矩提取图像几何特征的代码,用matlab编写,提取7个Hu矩为特征向量。可以用于基于内容的图像检索-The code for the image using the geometric moment invariant geometric features extracted code, written with matlab to extract seven Hu moments as features. Can be used for content-based imag
  3. 所属分类:Special Effects

    • 发布日期:2017-03-29
    • 文件大小:1020
    • 提供者:vivi
  1. invariant-moments

  2. 自己编写的Hu不变矩c++计算程序,可对图像进行二值化后,搜索二值化图像中的高亮目标并进行数字标注,同时查看搜索到的每个目标的七阶不变矩-The Hu invariant moments to write your own calculation program, the image can be binary, the search in the binary image digital mark targets and highlight the same time, view the se
  3. 所属分类:Special Effects

    • 发布日期:2017-05-16
    • 文件大小:4228959
    • 提供者:杜海波
  1. mser

  2. 基于Matlab实现了图像MSER仿射不变特征的提取-Matlab implementation of image-based affine invariant feature extraction MSER
  3. 所属分类:Graph program

    • 发布日期:2016-04-17
    • 文件大小:2523829
    • 提供者:Chen
  1. InvariantLocalFeatureforImageMatching

  2. Invariant Local Feature for Image Matching,主要是介绍了一下图像副本检测的系统,先对图像提取sift特征,再用LSH匹配-Invariant Local Feature for Image Matching, mainly introduced a copy of what the image detection system, first sift the characteristics of the image extraction, and the
  3. 所属分类:Special Effects

    • 发布日期:2017-04-10
    • 文件大小:1699893
    • 提供者:潘自建
  1. image-retrieval-source-program

  2. 该源代码包含图像10个不变矩的图像检索,小波模极大值法边缘检测,结合颜色特征与不变矩的图像检索源程序-The source code includes images of invariant moments 10 image retrieval, wavelet modulus maximum edge detection method, combining color characteristics and the moment invariants image retrieval sourc
  3. 所属分类:Special Effects

    • 发布日期:2017-03-24
    • 文件大小:453739
    • 提供者:abdurusul
  1. image matching

  2. 实现了三种图像匹配算法 1:归一化互相关匹配算法 2:基于Hausdorff距离的图像匹配算法 3:图像不变矩匹配算法-Three matching algorithms to achieve 1: normalized cross correlation matching algorithm 2: the image matching algorithm based on Hausdorff Distance 3: Image Invariant Moment Matchin
  3. 所属分类:图形图像处理(光照,映射..)

    • 发布日期:2013-06-16
    • 文件大小:12749
    • 提供者:赵宏磊
  1. Image

  2. 博士论文:图像特征提取、匹配和新视点图像生成技术研究 关键词:基于图像的绘制;虚拟现实;新视点图像生成;宽基线图像匹配;仿射不变量 直线段匹配;立体视觉-Dissertation: Image feature extraction, matching and the new viewpoint image generation technology Keywords: image-based rendering virtual reality new viewpoint image
  3. 所属分类:Special Effects

    • 发布日期:2017-05-20
    • 文件大小:6094386
    • 提供者:qinjw
  1. Removing-Shadows-from-Images

  2. For this project, the shadow removal method used by Finlayson et al. in [1] was implemented. This report contains an overview of the mathematical background and a detailed discussion on the experiments performed with the implementation. This me
  3. 所属分类:File Formats

    • 发布日期:2017-05-13
    • 文件大小:3089729
    • 提供者:dermeche
  1. code-for-robust-feature-based-image-water-marking

  2. A digital image watermarking scheme must be robust against a variety of possible attacks. In the proposed approach, a new rotation and scaling invariant image watermarking scheme is proposed based on rotation invariant feature and image norma
  3. 所属分类:matlab

    • 发布日期:2017-04-10
    • 文件大小:1475135
    • 提供者:prasannakumar
  1. 2Invariant-Image-Descriptor

  2. 2A Rotation Invariant Image Descr iptor based on ... - AICIT jdcta26-2A Rotation Invariant Image Descr iptor based on ...- AICIT jdcta26
  3. 所属分类:Special Effects

    • 发布日期:2017-05-03
    • 文件大小:804448
    • 提供者:fangsm4
  1. Image-retrieval-

  2. 本人编写的基于分块信息熵和Hu不变矩的图像检索算法matlab代码~-I prepared segment information based on entropy and Hu moment invariant image retri algorithm matlab code ~
  3. 所属分类:Special Effects

  1. Invariant Image Recognition by Zernike Moments

  2. 通过Zernike Moments不变矩图像识别原理(Invariant Image Recognition by Zernike Moments)
  3. 所属分类:图形图像处理

    • 发布日期:2017-12-15
    • 文件大小:878592
    • 提供者:qpricher
  1. image recognition

  2. 分别采用有边缘和无边缘两类图像作为样本库,使用用Hu不变矩对图像进行特征提取,并使用K近邻分类法进行分类和识别。(Two types of images with edges and no edges are used as the sample library, the images are extracted using Hu invariant moments, and the images are classified and identified by K nearest neighb
  3. 所属分类:图形图像处理

    • 发布日期:2018-01-07
    • 文件大小:2048
    • 提供者:陆荏嘉
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